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Join us in the church for Holy Communion on Ash Wednedsay.  The service will also include the imposition of the ashes.

What is Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday is the day in which Christians gather to receive the imposition of ashes.

Ashes on the head have signified repentance from biblical times. Job said, “I repent in dust and ashes.”

Ashes also represent mourning, as Tamar in the Old Testament used them to mourn her abuse which was not in any way her fault, but which devastated her.

Ashes are the result of burning. This burning in our lives is from our own sins and follies and from the abuse of others, and ashes represent both. They remind us that we are living in this mortal world, this fallen world, and that we are made from dust, when all else is burned away.  We are mortal and will return to our maker. For further details, click on the link below.

Ash Wednesday: Everything You Need to Know to Start Lent!