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Are you looking to explore your voice in a safe and welcoming environment? All are welcome at our parish choir. We sing at the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist service. We practice in the church on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8 pm.

Coming for the first time? Ring the buzzer on the glass door off the parking lot. Practice starts at 6:30 PM, so try and come by a few minutes early to settle in. Questions? Reach out to our music director Chuck at: 

Our Music 

Music is chosen to reflect the readings of the day, and is an eclectic mix of traditional and modern hymns, mostly found in the current hymn book, Common Praise. Anthems come from a variety of sources. While the pipe organ is the primary instrument, use is also made of the grand piano, as well as clarinet, flute and French Horn.

Our Pipe Organ

The pipe organ in St. Paul’s was installed in 1942 and, over seventy years later, continues to provide solid, colourful leadership for the congregational and choral singing. It is a small instrument ideally suited to the space, and is one of many such organs built by Casavant Frères of St. Hyacinthe, Québec in the years immediately before and during the Second World War at a time when few churches could afford to purchase larger instruments.